The Sacrament of Confession is a healing encounter with Jesus Christ. He invites you to open your heart to His mercy and forgiveness.
Come together with your family. You can meet face to face or behind a screen with Father. Whatever you are most comfortable with.
Here is a great link on how to examine your conscience before coming to confession.
Form of Confession:
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
This is my first confession
Father, these are my sins:
(tell your sins to Priest)
I am sorry for my sins.
(Priest will talk to you and give you your Penance)
(Say the Act of Contrition)
(Priest will absolve you from your sins-- make sign of the cross)
You then leave the confessional to do your Penance.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry
for having offended you.
And I detest all my sins
because of your just punishments,
but most of all
because they offend you, my God,
who are all good and deserving of all my love
I firmly resolve, with the help of your Grace,
to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.